The worldwide Islamic invasion was envisioned
by Nostradamus in the mid-1500s. Among other
prophesies, he described Anti-Christian Muslim
forces in Iraq and Syria, and persecution in
the Muslim countries of Asia, especially
Turkey. From Israel the war extends to Western
Europe and there will be a Third World War
using nuclear missiles…
In his apocalyptic prophesies, Nostradamus
described the Islamic demographic movement or
invasion into Europe. This prophesies has
become a reality.
From 1990 to 2010 there was significant
demographic change in most European countries.
The natural
immigration from Islamic countries into
Europe has significantly increased the size of
Muslim minorities in those countries.
Muslims struggle to convert the world to
Islam. In the past, Christianity and Islam
wanted to spread the word to everybody
everywhere, by force if necessary. Today
Christians and certain other religions no
longer wish to use force in the name of their
faith; however, Muslims do.
In this age of political correctness in Europe
and in the USA, this invasion is generally
ignored in the name of
multiculturalism. Muslims even have right-wing
acceptance and support from anti-Jewish
elements in Europe.
Time is working in favour of the Muslim
minorities. As Europe becomes older, the
Muslim communities will develop into the
majority as their demographic increase is
about three
times greater than that of indigenous
Europeans. Yet another prophesy
of Nostradamus is being fulfilled.
There are those who do not believe in
prophesies in general and particularly not
those written in riddles, which may have
multiple interpretations.
When one considers the many
that have proven correct, however, it is
rather difficult to dismiss them as
La grande bande et secte crucigere,
Se dressera en Mésopotamie:
Du proche fleuve compagnie lege,
Que telle loy tiendra pour ennemie.
[CIII, Q61]
The great band and anti-Christian sect of
Muslims will rise up in Iraq and Syria near
the Euphrates with a tank force and will hold
the [Christian] law to be its enemy.
This particular interpretation was by
Jean-Charles de Fontbrune,
translated by Alexis Lykiard, printed back in
1984. A later interpretation is:
The great host and sect of the crusaders,
Will be massed in Mesopotamia:
Of the nearby river the fast company,
That such law will hold for the enemy.
This Islamic evolution seems to be inevitable
and at the same time we can see the long-term
influence of technology on demographic changes
and the desire of people for freedom.
This evolution is particularly noticeable in
countries where people are oppressed by
civilian or military dictatorships.
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